Why should I have a personal color analysis?
I’ve already had a personal color analysis, would I benefit from working with you?
Absolutely! If you love your colors, we can use your current palette to curate your closet, shop for your best pieces or determine your best style. If you aren’t feeling quite right with your colors, then you could be a hybrid like me and not fit into a specific season. In that case, you would really benefit from a custom fan.
In the case of the client below, she fit perfectly into one of the 12 sub-seasons, but wasn’t happy with her original palette, because she only felt comfortable in half the colors. Since her custom fan is built around how she is uniquely colored and isn’t generic, she is thrilled with all of her colors and feeling more confident!
What are the details?
To ensure an accurate virtual analysis, clients submit a questionnaire and multiple pictures (please note that I may request additional pictures if needed). Please review this document for a more thorough explanation of the virtual process. In person appointments, when available, are conducted during the day, so that we have great natural light.
How is your color analysis different from others?
A personal color analysis divides clients into four main seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter and then breaks them into sub-seasons. Most systems have 12 sub-seasons, so 3 variations for each season. Once a sub-season is determined, the client receives a color palette for that specific season.
My virtual analysis system differs in that I have 18 sub-seasons enabling a much more specific color palette. For the custom color palettes, we start with 24 sub-seasons (6 variations per season) and then customize even further providing a 100% unique fan to each client. One of the best parts of the system I use, is that the custom fans and swatch books for the 18 seasons are made out of fabric, which makes it much easier to utilize determining clothing matches.
Many people are hybrids – meaning they don’t fit perfectly into one sub-season. Take me, for instance. I have a 100% Spring personality and style, but my coloring leans to Summer. I am basically a slightly cool Spring who needs medium colors. Unfortunately, that does not exist in any of the non-custom systems. Having a custom fan (below) provides me with my very best colors regardless of which season they come from. My fan is a combination of the brightest colors from Summer and the least bright colors from Spring.
Another way that my analysis differs is in what I offer my clients. Not only do I provide my clients with their very best colors, but I also provide a 10-page booklet that explains how to wear their colors.
What is the personal color analysis process?
I am currently only offering virtual color analyses and this document explains the virtual process in detail.
In person appointments, when available, are devoted to clients who would like custom color palettes (ask for pricing). The 2-3 hour consultation begins with an assessment of your personality, contrast levels, color quality, color temperature, and your body shape. The importance of finding the exact value, temperature, and hue of your hair, skin, and eyes is an extremely important part of the process as 65% of the population are neutral in their tone versus completely cool or warm. Finding the specific variations in your unique coloring is what makes the process so much more accurate than other systems.
The analysis enables me to match your personal color harmony with a base color palette (1 of 24 sub-seasons) and then the real fun begins. We disassemble the base fan and customize it, swatch by swatch, to create a color palette that is harmonious with your unique coloring. To ensure that each color in your fan is best for you, I will use swatches from other fans in your season and even from other seasons. The process is collaborative. As we test swatches, you will be looking in the mirror and seeing for yourself the effects of each color and how they enhance or diminish your beauty. Your custom color fan will have 18 swatches (with 5 monochromatic colors on each, so almost 100 colors) including your eye related color, hair related color, your best neutrals, best white, best red/pink, and best accent and dramatic colors including metals, prints, and pastels.
The appointment concludes with a discussion on your seasonal type and how best to utilize your new color palette when making decisions about your wardrobe. After your appointment, you will receive a detailed 10-page guide reviewing what you learned during the appointment and providing guidance on how to develop a wardrobe that works for you. About a week after your first appointment, we will have a second appointment where you will receive your fan, we will review how to use it, and answer any questions you may have. You can choose to forgo an in-person 2nd appointment, if you’d like, and I will send the fan and answer any questions via Zoom or email. Again, if you’re interested in a virtual analysis, this document explains the virtual process in detail.