Virtual Color Analysis
A personal color analysis is the first step in refining your style and loving what you see in the mirror every day.
FEEL BEAUTIFUL Your analysis will determine your wow colors – the colors that bring out your best qualities and allow you to shine.
SHOP CONFIDENTLY You will receive a digital guide for your best colors to help you shop with purpose and save money by knowing what works well for you (option: add a fabric swatch book to carry with you for extra confidence while shopping).
LOVE YOUR WARDROBE A 20-minute video and detailed written report define your color identity helping you refine your style and curate your best wardrobe.
Pricing: Virtual Color Analysis $129 | Virtual Color Analysis + Swatch Book $199 (US shipping included – submit pictures within 90 days)
Seasonal Guidance & Swatch Books
If you already know your season, but don’t yet feel confident when shopping for your best colors, you may want to invest in a few resources to help you understand your season and shop with confidence.
SEASONAL REPORT A full guide to your season including a digital color palette, a 20-minute video, and detailed written report to help you refine your style and curate your best wardrobe.
COLOR SWATCH BOOK A 44-color fabric swatch book to help you shop for your best colors and save money by knowing what works well for you. (US shipping included in price)
VIRTUAL CONSULTATION A 30 or 60 minute video conference to explore your season and answer questions (generally completed after an analysis.
COLOR ANALYSIS MASTER CLASS If you’d prefer to discover your season on your own, consider purchasing this class created in partnership with Outfit Formulas® (Link to purchase for $39)
Pricing: Seasonal Report $20 | Color Swatch Book $79 | Report + Swatch Book $89 | Virtual Consultation $50 (30-min) or $80 (60-min)
Seasonal Capsule Wardrobes
Love what you see looking back at you in the mirror and become effortlessly confident as you walk out the door each day by creating a unique style that is authentic to who you are and how you want to present yourself to the world.
OUTFIT FORMULAS® Color Curate has partnered with Get Your Pretty On to help you build a wardrobe you love with color palette add-ons available with each Outfit Formulas® season. The seasonal guides with color palette add-ons are designed to get you out of your comfort zone and try new styles. With your shopping list, outfit guide, and color palette specifics, you will have the tools you need to create great outfits that you feel beautiful in.
Outfit formulas® with Color Palette add-ons are available four times per year with the start of each season.